Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Who Are Your True Friends?

If you are like me, you've done this before. You stop yourself, get real serious and ask yourself this question: "Who are my true friends? Who are my real real friends?" How many times have you asked yourself that? Well...

In a matter of seconds this short post will reveal to you who your true friends are.

But before I tell you that, let me quickly introduce you to why this blog exists and why you've been invited to read it.

You may not know this...but here goes:

I keep a private journal (mostly) of my thoughts and ideas. It's where I express my feelings and clear out my thoughts. It's where I make break-throughs in my life. Ok, here's the point. After making such break-throughs, the hard part is to remember them and put them into practice.

It's like using a condom - if George doesn't remember the condom and doesn't practice using it every time, what's the point. I say that to say this..

I will be posting some of the impactful ideas (on me) from my private journal on this blog to

  1. Remind myself of the ideas that can transform and lead my life, (and save me from Life-Transmitted-Diseases) and

  2. Share with my friends, who are interested in personal growth or trying out new (possibly crazy) ideas.

  3. Tell stories of dramatic and intimate life-events that literally changed the direction of my life, that hardly anyone knows.

So welcome my friend. Welcome. Now for what I promised you.

How to tell who are your true friends. This will possibly be the shortest thought from my journal. Still, it is very meaningful to me when I actually think about it, and reflect it on my life (past and current).

"Our best friends are those who accept us at our truest self and who express their truest self to us, while we perceive ourselves to be travelling along the same path"
Read that again.

Hopefully, we can become better friends through the experience of this blog, as I reveal my truest self to you.

Love and peace,
Richie Rich

P.S. I'd love to hear your comments. Click on the "comments" link below and type hello just to let me know you were here. Thank you.

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